
Monday, November 29, 2010


Typography blogs
  • Font Feed, The 
        Fonts; typography; lettering; design; news; type tips
  • ILT
        Free fonts; font wall; articles; type books
  • Ministry of Type, The
        Fonts; illustration; brands and logos; books and magazines; interior design; 
  • OpenType, Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog
        Web fonts; fonts; typography; wayfinding
  • Phinney on Fonts, the Phinney-us blog on Typography and text
        Font tools; type design; software; hardware; publishing
  • Type Foundry
        Documents for the History of Type & Letterforms
  • Type Directors Club, The
        Typography Annual; articles and videos; awards; competitions; education
  • Typblography, the Adobe Type Team blog
        Fonts; tools; awards; conferences; Indesign
  • Typelog, The
        a collection of typographic projects
  • TypeOff
        Typefaces; interviews; event reports
  • Typesites
        Shop; blog; a weekly look at sites that have great typographic design
  • Typophile – Typographic Collaboration
        Typo wiki; forums; projects; news; resources

 "I would like to be remembered as someone who was always full of surprises."
Marian Bantjes

1. Typography (curling pencil), by meridianh
2. Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design

1 comment:

dheerajkgupta said...

This is really a wonderfull blog for some great information. I have Read More...